Sunday we got to experience 7 dope individuals along with our beautiful ambassador for Serenity Sundays.
Being lead to truly take time to deepen my spiritual connection with my God Father, Babalaow, has truly embraced me during this particular season. On this journey through personal transformations and adaptations, I find so much happiness embracing Oya in a more positive and healthy manner. Her symbolic number, 9, has done alot of changing for the past 9 months, which made me look back and say, oh she's been working working. Despite the considerable changes that has happened, some I thought I couldn’t bare, they have ened up being worth it.
In the realm of the Orishas, just as in our lives, there are dual aspects – one that leans towards the negative, in your own way and the other that encourages us to elevate our vibrations towards the positive. The divine desire is for us to align with the good, which is the path to our highest self. Engaging with and attuning myself to this higher frequency has been uplifting me towards my true potential. This journey is the reason I've been on this spiritual hiatus, reflecting upon my inner self. During the recent Full Moon, I took a moment to reflect and express my gratitude for the beauty found within these transformations.
This vibration of change was also celebrated at Serenity Sundays this past Sunday. With the cooler weather, I made the decision to create a more intimate setting by limiting the number of participants and moving the experience indoors at She's Royal Gems Wholistic Metaphysical Shop. This allowed for a deeper connection for those who were open to receiving. Prior to the Ocean Soundbath experience, our Gems had the opportunity to connect with their intuitive selves through the Intuitive Crystal Gem Pick. With crystals thoughtfully placed throughout the space, this served not only as an icebreaker but also as a means for our Gems to receive intuitive messages from the crystals, and their reactions were truly priceless.
Additionally, we offered chakra readings so those Gems can set their intentions for the experience. For those who have attended our past events knows that each experience is unique and influenced by the energy of the moon or the collective energy of the moment. This time, we connected to the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Taurus, occurring within the transformative season of Scorpio. Oya's strong presence in this season, as the Goddess of Transformation and Change, as we went through shadow work, crystal work, chakra alignment, and how to harness these forces to embrace the present. As the past two years come to a close, it's time to adapt and evolve with the new season.
I eam great and full in my heart for all the wonderful Gems, who filled each slot at the event. Your vibe is genuinely cherished. We look forward to our next event scheduled for November 26, 2023, and encourage you to become a member to stay connected with all the exciting events we have planned. Ase