This second half of my Inner Child experience has been a long time coming. These karmic triggers that have been sent to try me had my nervous system on level 10! It was like a test to see if I would fold to old ways or embrace the new ways. I choose the NEW! 💕
This was a freeing moment for me. A no-judgment zone. A space for me to be myself. Experiencing my father in this new space with my son, who is 14—the same age I was when I lost my eldest brother—was so needed. The love my brother gave me was unconditional, it was safe, and it was freeing, which I lost at 14. I've been lost ever since then, and at my big age of 43, I can finally admit that.
My father never sugar-coated anything, which is why I always respected him. However, that little Tammy still needed that TLC, which I got from my dad’s family even up to this day. Listening to him from a different space made me see him authentically, and it was so beautiful. We laughed, we cried, and we moved on from spaces that cannot be changed. For this moment, I give thanks, especially to my family, who always loved me.
Your repressed emotional feelings will always show up to shake things up in different ways to help change you and those uneasy feelings inside. I knew this was the area I needed to focus on because of what was happening all around—not just now, but for the last couple of years. As we close old doors and old ways, I give thanks 🙏🏾 for being able to process this and experience this moment so I can move into a space that I truly deserve.
This is why understanding your energy, your chakras, and what they can do for you is so freeing. I am grateful for those who stuck through this with me, as the hardest lessons are never easy to overcome. However, when you do, it’s a true blessing! I give thanks for this level of healing! Asé Amen!